
Legislation governing public events prohibits drink being dispensed in glass aluminium cans and recently, and in more and more cases, plastic bottles have also been targeted because of their missile capability.

The BEVIPAK satisfies all the safety legislation requirements and is the only plastic Drinks’ container to dispense its’ contents fast enough, if thrown, to be considered safe.

Local councils are enforcing ‘glass ban’ trials in nightclubs and venue bars to reduce the frequency of glass related incidents. Smoking bans have encouraging more pavement drinking where glass will not be permitted.

 Government policy is being developed to curb the growing occurrence of anti-social behaviour connected with binge drinking and violence.

King’s College London carried out tests on all PET bottles / containers currently in the market place and concluded that any container with an open aperture of less than 44mm posed a danger. The BEVIPAK is the only container that meets this criteria.